10 Sep

The industry of marijuana is growing exponentially and inventors are leveraging this opportunity. Legal marijuana is a new thing and new business owners are earning profits by investing in it. The technological evolution has also affected the marijuana industry. With the advent of various new technologies, the field of marijuana has been evolved. Here, in this article, we are going to share some new and exciting technologies that are prominently used by the industry leaders who are dealing with marijuana production or sales.  Let’s discuss the technologies that are used for the green rush:

1. Seed-To-Sale Technology

Seed-to-sale technology is the game-changer in the marijuana industry. The seed-to-sale cloud platform is highly efficient for marijuana growers and retailers. Nowadays, Shopify is the best platform for online retailers.

With the help of Seed to Sale cannabis regulatory software, you can easily determine the buying habits of different consumers. This seed-to-sale software is very good to stop the selling of illicit marijuana. Without marinating the record of production, sale, and purchase of marijuana, it is very difficult to understand consumer buying behavior. Bad business owners can leverage this opportunity and sell illegal marijuana. Many countries have legalized the production and sale of recreational and medical marijuana.  But, they have also made it mandatory to use install the seed-to-sale cannabis software in their dispensary. This software will help in keeping the record of every gram of marijuana. 

2. LED Technology

LED lighting is another technology that is used in the cannabis industry. The LED lighting system has replaced the high-pressure sodium (HPS) bulbs.

In earlier times, the marijuana industry was dependant on the HPS bulbs. The HPS bulbs are cost-friendly and they can help in making the right prediction of the crop yield. But, there is one downside of the HPS bulbs- high energy consumption. The HPS bulbs consume more energy and lead to an increase in the utility bills. Moreover, they have a short lifespan and they produce a lot of heat. On the other hand, the LED lighting fixtures are energy-efficient, durable, and produce less heat.

3. Electricity Storage

There is one more energy-based innovation that can be used in the marijuana industry. The marijuana industry spends more money on electricity in the production of cannabis.  Therefore, it is recommended that you should store the energy and use it for reducing the utility bills.

4. Cannabinoid Biosynthesis

The latest technology has the power to re-shape the production of cannabinoids. At present, all forms of cannabinoids are produced with the help of old production techniques. The old techniques of cannabis and cannabinoid production are costlier. Therefore, then end products of cannabis are costly. Two compounds are extracted from the hemp plant- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or cannabinoids (CBD). The THC compound exhibits the psychoactive properties. On the other hand, the CBD compounds exhibit non-psychoactive properties and this compound also offers various other medical benefits. Gone are the days when the extraction of the Cannabinoids is a costly process. Now, you can implement the cannabinoid Biosynthesis for the extraction of CBD and THC.

5. Cannabis breathalyzers

The biggest problem faced by the officers in law enforcement is implementing the rules and regulations for cannabis impairment. It is very difficult to determine that person has consumed cannabis in which amount. The cannabis breathalyzers can make it easy for the law officers to determine impairment and recency of use. This technology will help the officers to implement the rules and regulations. The cannabis breathalyzers are at the final stage of the invention. With the advent of breathalyzers, you can easily determine the person who has consumed the marijuana.

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